Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ten down, seven to go

Days that is, on my super extended two week wait. I got this month's blood test results back this morning, and it looks like we've got the formula right at last as results were.....

*** X factoresque drumroll***

Oestradiol 655
Progesterone 125.5

***Jane's ovaries burst into tears in a display of emotion to rival Alexandra***

I'm very happy to report that I am feeling like total shit. I was at my Christmas party at the weekend, had approx 4 drinks, was in bed at 3.30am and I'm still feeling like I need to catch up on my sleep after it, despite being in bed crashed out at 10pm the following night, and falling asleep on the couch at 9pm last night. But then I'm like a cat when it comes to sleep. I'd nearly sleep standing up. But still, I'm feeling knackered....hmmmm.....

In other news, my 14 year old niece is writing to the Pope to nominate me for canonisation, since I booked tickets to the Beyoncé gig for me and her. It happens to fall two days before my 40th birthday, but I'm sure that won't interfere with the party plans. I texted her to tell her, and got back one of those OMG OMG OMG texts in response. Ah bless. I might be pregnant by then, but I'm sure I will still manage to be Bootylicious as always (I certainly have an ample enough booty to shake anyway).

So anyway, I'm totally obsessing about the 2ww here. If anyone has any suggestions for fun ways of passing the time until Christmas Eve without ending up in one of those nice jackets you can hug yourself all day long in, please share.


Feebee said...

Woohoo!!!!! Are you going to wait 7 days to test???

Jane G said...

I have to wait 7 days, because I am on hcg injections on peak +3,5,7& 9, so the hormone will still be in my system until peak +17, so could give a false positive. This is sooooo headwrecking!

Martin said...

I'm nervous in my tummy!

Liz said...

That's toooooo loooong to wait.

Went to bed at 3.30? Going to see Beyonce? Are you actually a 17 year old masquerading as someone on the cusp of her 40th - or am I old before my time. (Don't answer that).

Anonymous said...

Well, I am knitting myself a nice self-hugging jacket to pass the time. Would you like one too?

Jane G said...

X Box - you and me both!

WFI - To be in bed at 3.30 following a Christmas party is early by my usual standards. And the Beyoncé gig is totally in the spirit of spoiling my godchild (yeah right!). Mind you, I'm married to a man who wanted me to hire a bouncy castle for his 40th. I wasn't prepared to pay out for the resulting whiplash law suits, so I vetoed it. Big blue meany that I am.

May - Yes please, I'll have one of those in a size 14. How's your 2ww going?

Kim said...

Argh..the wait...I wish I had some time passing advice but I got nothing. I will write the Pope as well in support of your cannonisation. The tickets should defo qualify you. What a lucky niece to have such a cool aunt.

Jane G said...

Kim - thanks for seconding me on the Sainthood thing. Move over Mother Teresa :)

I've added you to my bloglist. Hope 2009 is a good year for you.