This day last year I took the plunge and decided to start a blog. I had been following and commenting on a few infertility blogs for a while, mainly The Waiting Game and Xbox4nappyrash . It was around about that time that I realised that I was not going to be a mother before my 40th birthday. This was something I found extremely difficult to get my head around. One year on, and I realise that I am not going to be a mother before my 41st birthday. Such is life. At this stage I don't know if I ever will have a baby of my own.
I have been on clomid for more cycles than I care to count at this stage (I think it's around 12). I have been on pregnyl injections for I think 17 months. I beginning to feel like a 12 stone hamster on a very large wheel. A very very tired hamster to boot. All these fertility meds have taken a huge toll on my body, and even though I have been out of work for two months now, I still feel exhausted. I heard yesterday about the possibility of a new job, but it would involve over an hour commute each way daily. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but when I am this exhausted on a constant basis I really don't know if I could manage it. We'll see, I will cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose.
In the past few weeks John and I have started going to counselling. After the highs and lows of last month's false alarm I really felt like we needed help getting our heads around this ongoing torture. Luckily enough, I am still covered by my previous employer's benefit plan, one part of which is the employee assistance scheme which provides five sessions of counselling free of charge if needed. Since it is not costing us anything, I thought feck it, why not, so we have had two sessions so far. We're trying to see where we go from here, come to some sort of decision as to how long we will keep on the road we are on, and then see what other options are open to us. So we will see how it goes.
Like all other infertility bloggers, I have gained an amazing support network of online friends in my first year of blogging. It seems funny to know so much about the day to day lives of people I have never met face to face. Last week I met face to face with another infertility blogger (hi M!). We live a twenty minute drive from each other, are the same age and have both been through the experience of miscarriage. Like us, her and her husband are trying to conceive their first child. We met for a coffee, which turned out to be a three hour chat. It was lovely to connect with someone my own age, as most of my friends here are much younger than me, and very few of them have been through a miscarriage. It was both strange and nice meeting someone face to face whom I had read about online. We both admitted that our husbands had misgivings at the idea of meeting someone from the internet. John was cracking jokes that my body would be washed up in Lough Derg without any kidneys, and her husband was worried about me finding out where they lived! Don't worry lads, neither of us are bunny boilers.
To all the wonderful people I have met in the last year, I just want to say thank you for all your friendship and support. Some of you have attained the holy grail of a healthy pregnancy, and to you I wish every congratulations and continued good health and luck. Some of you, like me, are still on this long road, and I hope and pray that we will see the end of it soon, and that one of these days life will bring is the joy that we have awaited for so long.
Woah, has it only been a year you have been blogging? It feels like forever that I have been reading with interest.
I suppose that is what this journey does too, distorts time perception ie the 2ww feeling like a 2 month wait.
I totally get the reservatons about the commute to a new job, I live a 7 min drive from one of my work bases and a 5 to the other and I think that is too far!lol
Anyway just wanted to say, thanks for sharing, I'm listening :)
Happy Blogoversary Sweetie!
And I dont know what kind of cake that is in that picture..but its looks so tasty!
Happy Blogversary, sweetie. It sucks we find ourselves still on the "struggle" side of the journey. May this new year bring all you've hoped for.
Happy Blogoversary! I hope that this year brings you all you wish for!
Congratulations on the blogoversary! It's a grat achievement.
And great big enormo-hugs, poor dear little tired hamster. How I wish all would be well and you could have a lovely well-deserved rest. All that clomid. No wonder you're completely frazzled.
I really don't know what to say, that sounded far too much like a 'goodbye' for my liking.
You've done so many positive and constructive things, you put most of us to shame.
I just hope so much that the last piece falls into place.
This year has flown by!
And you've been a wonderfully supportive internet friend (clearly in between your stalking other world wide weirdos) too.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hope our luck starts to change soon. xx
Happy Blogversary to you, Happy Blogversary to you, Happy Blogversary dear blogger, Happy Blogversary to YOU! Lots more I could say to you, but am basking in the celeb-like glow of being mentioned in your post (insert blushing emoticon here!) What I will say is that, although I don't know you very long, your deeply honest sharing and your kindness and empathy have inspired and impressed me so much. Oops, anyone else think this is all starting to sound very "This is Your Life"?? Seriously though, my sincerest wish for you is that you get your heart's desire because having met you, I know how much you truly DO deserve it x
Congratulations on the blogoversary. Do something good for yourself! Anyway, I am new to your blog and blogging myself. I look forward to getting to know the blog you! I've left you an award over on my blog. :)
Happy one year!
Let me know if you get to Dublin. I would enjoy having coffee with you.
So sorry that someone as sweet as you is dealing with infertility. It's so unfair.
Hope all is well?
Love reading your blog. I honored you with an award. Hope it brightens your day.
Just popping in to see how you are.....so, how are you?
A much belated Happy Blogoversary! Clomid sucks, for sure. An hour commute is a lot! I have a half hour commute, and I think it's too much. I hope you are well.
Oh, please dont tell me you've gone away for good.....
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